Everyone who loves music passionately becomes a curator of music.
I still remember the first piece of music I ever received:
Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. It was an audio tape given to me by my grandfather; I
clearly remember it was dark green and had a piece of renaissance-looking art
on the front, making it appear as a little book. I remember being confused
by it until it was popped into a cassette deck and I was lost to the music as I heard the lovely floating tones... I
was hooked.
I had a large collection of audio tapes, largely pop music
bought at garage sales as well as a large collection of Weird Al Yankovic tapes
(including Peter and the Wolf). I continued with my collection of tapes until the last tape I
ever purchased: London Beat's In the Blood, for the hit "I've
Been Thinking About You".
I remember switching to CDs, receiving 3 for
Christmas. To this date I have a giant CD collection, ever increasing
with gems found at thrift stores. Although, I now buy discount CDs with the intention of digitizing them. :)
In the 2000s I started up with iTunes. I’m not ashamed to admit it was the free song with
iCoke points that got me hooked there. While there I discovered the weekly free
songs (1 English, 1 French), which kept me going back at least once a week. Sadly, iTunes has abandoned their Free Song of the Week program, after 11 long years. It will be greatly missed. :(
I've also been a huge proponent of internet-based radio, available trough apps like
TuneIn Radio, that has expanded my musical horizons even further. I love the channel
ABC Lounge Radio!
We haven't even begun to discuss the giant platforms of free music we can search such as
Soundcloud, YouTube or
The buskers, concerts, live shows, festivals... Each venue offering an opportunity to discover new songs that become the soundtrack to our lives.
Needless to say, the universe of music is ever expanding.
I can't wait to see what new horizons bring.